The Department of Internal Medicine was established as one of the 3 departments of the School of Traditional Medicine in 2000. The Department of Internal Medicine provides bachelor students with knowledge and skills in traditional diagnosis, traditional concepts of pathology, and internal diseases. Moreover, the department offers master’s and doctoral programs, implements traditional medicine residency programs, and conducts short-term training among doctors, nurses, and other specialists in traditional medicine.
- According to the A/02 order of the president of the Medical University which was released on January 1, 2000, the Department of Mongolian Traditional Medicine was expanded into the School of Traditional Medicine in 2000. The Department of Internal Medicine was one of the first 3 departments of the School of Medicine.
Heads of the department:
- 2000-2003 Professor TSERENDAGVA Dalkh MD, Ph.D., Sc.D., Academician
- 2003-2014 Professor SEESREGDORJ Surenjid MD., Ph.D
- 2014-2016 Professor TSERENDAGVA Dalkh MD, Ph.D., Sc.D., Academician
- 2016-2017 Professor KHISHIGJARGAL Ser-Od MD., Ph.D
- 2017-2020 professor MOLOR-ERDENE Perenlei, MD., Ph.D
- 2020-2021 professor BATNAIRAMDAL Chuluun MD, Ph.D
- 2021-present professor KHISHIGJARGAL Ser-OD
- Undergraduate:
- Basics of Internal Medicine inTMM
- Basics of Internal Medicine inTMM
- Cardiology in TMM
- Pulmonology in TMM
- Hot-natured diseases in TMM
- Nephrology in TMM
- Pediatrics in TMM
- Andrology in TMM
- Neurology in TMM
- Diagnostics in TMM
- Chronic diseases in TMM
- Gastroenterology in TMM,
- Infectious diseases in TMM
- Disorders of Five Sense Organs in TMM
- Dermatology in TMM
- Commonly occurred symptoms of TMM
- Psychiatry in TMM
- Clinical training
- Graduate:
- Basics of Integrative Medicine II
- Evidence based Mongolian Medicine II
- Basics of Integrative Medicine I
- Evidence based Mongolian Medicine I
- Basics of Integrative Medicine
- Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Inner Mongolia, P.R.China
- Mongolian-Chinese Medical Hospital, Inner Mongolia, P.R.China
- Hospital of Mongolian Medicine, Alagsa-Ezine province, Inner Mongolia, P.R.China
Project implemented
- Developing a new compound for the treatment of diabetes and prevention of its complications based on the multi-component formula of traditional medicine Mongolian Foundation for Science and Technology Grant.
- Traditional Jonsh drug effects for Stomach and Esophagus cancer, Mongolian Foundation for Science and Technology Grant.
- Traditional drug technology for the production of biological active compounds from calcite, Mongolian Foundation for Science and Technology Grant.
- Clarifying Crude Drugs and Prescriptions of Long Living from Ancient Medical Books as well as Determining their Prevalence and Reserve, Inner Mongolia, P.R.China.
Research field:
Integrating traditional Mongolian medicine with Western medicine and sharing knowledge from other medical systems, the department of internal medicine has been producing new knowledge of medicine to provide the population with new, effective, cheaper, and easily applicable methods of disease prevention and treatment. Our department implements joint domestic and foreign projects and conducts basic research in the following areas.
- Methods of prevention and treatment of diseases through diet, behavior, medication, and physical therapy
- Study the textbook of traditional medicine
- Study the sources
- efficacy and safety of medicinal plants, minerals, and compounds used in traditional Mongolian medicine
- Traditional methods of external therapy
Books, textbooks:
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, С.Доржбат, С.Ваанчигсүрэн. Ковид-19, Томуу, Томуу төст өвчин тэдгээрийн хүндрэл, ужиг явцыг Монгол уламжлалт анагаах ухааны оноштой дүйлгэж эмчлэх нь. Улаанбаатар хот. 2023 он. х.х 21.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Д.Цэрэндагва. АШУҮИС-ийн Монгол Анагаах Ухааны Олон Улсын Сургууль байгуулагдаж хөгжсөний дэлгэрэнгүй түүх. Улаанбаатар хот. 2023 он. х.х 36. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, С.Өлзийбаатар. Монголын уламжлалт анагаах ухааны хүний төрөлх өвөрмөц чанарын шинжлэл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 14.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Б.Уянгаа. Ляо гүрний уламжлалт анагаах ухааны түүхийн судалгаа. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 9. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, О.Урнаа. Хүсэхүйн “Идээ, ундааны жинхэнэ товч” бүтээлд хийсэн шинжлэл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 22.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Дамдинсүрэнгийн Жамъянгарав. Ламын гэгээн Лувсанданзанжанцаны “Увдисын рашааны цацрал” бүтээлийн шинжлэл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 16. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж. Тэжээхүйн ухаан дахь эрүүл амьдрах ёсны их өв соёл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 27.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Дуламхандын Сайнсайхан. Уламжлалт анагаах ухааны онолын бие, хэл, сэтгэлийн нэгдмэл асуудлыг харьцуулан судалсан нь. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 17. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Данзанчойдагийн Жаргалдалай. Жалцан-Одсэрийн “Гарын авлагат туслах рашааны эмийн найруулга” бүтээл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 18.3. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Бо.Цэцэн, Ч.Батнайрамдал, До.Цэцэн, Ш.Болд, Өү Ши. Уламжлалт анагаах ухаан дахь настайчууд, эрэгтэйчүүд судлалын сурвалж, тайлбарууд. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 33. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Буян-тогтохын Далантай. Ишданзанваанжил-ийн “Шүрэнчимэг” бүтээл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 18.2. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, С. Авирмэд. Үзэмчин гүн Гомбожавын “Эмийн нэршлийн төвөд, хятад хэлний хадмал оршвой” бүтээл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 16. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Д.Алтанчулуу. Оточ Жамбалдоржийн “Үзэсгэлэнт нүдэн чимэг” бүтээл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 13.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж. Анагаах ухааны дөрвөн үндсийн язгуурын үндэс түүний тайлбарууд. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 17.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Бай Хасцэцэг. Эм заслын Саран хаан сурвалж. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 6.2. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, С.Ваанчигсүрэн. Монгол нэрийн тамга шагааг дээдлэх ёс. Улаанбаатар хот. 2021 он. Арвай принт ХХК. хх 14.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Г.Ууганцэцэг. Монголын уламжлалт анагаах ухааны сувилахуйн тусламж үйлчилгээ. Улаанбаатар хот. 2022 он. Арвай бархан ХХК. х.х 35.5. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Ч.Чимэдрагчаа, С.Хишигжаргал, Д.Цэрэндагва, Д.Чулуунчимэг, П.Молор-Эрдэнэ. Монголын уламжлалт анагаах ухааны өвчнийг анагаах увдис (Зургаа дугаар хэвлэл). Улаанбаатар хот. 2022 он. Арвай бархан ХХК. х.х 47. (in Mongolian)
- С.Сээсрэгдорж, Д.Цэрэндагва. Монгол анагаах ухааны өвчнийг шинжилж нотлохуйн нэгдмэл толь. Гурав дугаар хэвлэл. Улаанбаатар хот. 2023 он. х.х 27.6. (in Mongolian)
Research publications
- Merel S Ekker, Mina A Jacob, Batnairamdal Ch, et al. Global Outcome Assessment Life-long after stroke in young adults initiative-the GOAL initiative: study protocol and rationale of a multicentre retrospective individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031144. IF-2.34.
- Tubuxin, Haijin Bao, Seesregdorj S, Dorjbat S. Mongolian medical classification and pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Traditional Mongolian Medicine of China. 2019;1:83-87.
- Oyuntsetseg Sodovjamts, Ambaga Miegombo, Sarantsetseg Bandi, Khishigjargal Ser-Od. The effect of antischemin on fat metabolism in cerebral acute and chronic ischemia. Int J Recent Sci Res. 2019;10:33850-33852. IF-7.383.
- Oyuntsetseg Sodovjamts, Ambaga Miegombo, Sarantsetseg Bandi, Khishigjargal Ser-Od. The effect of antischemin on fat metabolism in diabetes. IJMRAP. 2019;02:68-70. IF-4.822.
- Oyuntsetseg Sodovjamts, Ambaga Miegombo, Sarantsetseg Bandi, Khishigjargal Ser-Od. Effect of “antischemin” upon lipid peroxidation process on brain ischemic disorder induced on experimental rat model. ASRJETS. 2019;57:210-216. IF-0.43.
- Javzmaa L, Purevdorj G, Khishigjargal S, Suvdantsetseg B, Suvdmaa J, Baigalmaa, N, Tsermaa T, Bota B, Jargal J, Munkhjargal O. Identification of Climate and psammotherapy results at tavan els kidney sanatorium in the western mongolia. Open J Appl Sci. 2020;10:719-724. IF-0.78.
- Tubuxin, Seesregdorj S, Dorjbat S. Interpretation of Osteoporosis from the Perspective of Mongolian Medicine. Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy of Chinese Minorities. 2020;2:17-19.
- Tubuxin, Seesregdorj S, Dorjbat S. Analysis of the progress of Mongolian medicine in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Word Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. CN10/-1354/R.
- Fuquan Zhao, Yuqiu Yang, Seesregdorj Surenjid, Avirmed Shiirevnyamba, Avirmed Tovuudorj, Aunda Gura, Yulan Zhang. The potential mechanisms of dehydrocostus lactone in treating the inflammatory processes in lipopolysaccharide activated microglial cells: a transcriptome analysis. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2020;13:6434-6447.
- Hu Yu Rong, Chimedragchaa Ch, Batnairamdal Ch. Influences of traditional mongolian medicine e-er-dun-wu-ri-le on il-6, il-1β of serum and brain tissue in rats with the middle cerebral artery occlusion reperfusion model (MCAO/R). Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine. 2020;16:36-39.
- Hu Yu Rong, Khaliunaa Tumurbaatar, Baigali Gansukh, Batnairamdal Chuluun, Chimedragchaa Chimedtseren. The Effect of Erdene urel on Microglia/Macrophage Distribution and Inhibition of Inflammatory Response after Brain Ischemia in Rats. CAJMS. 2020;6:370-378.
- Xiang Jun Yang, Yu Wang, Bayarima E, Ming Zhao, Hexigezarigala S. Effects of Mongolian medicine Shaosha-7 on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury of rats. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi (Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology). 2021;37:380-384. IF-0.3.
- Zhao Fuquan, Shiirevnyamba Avirmed, Bilegtsaikhan Tsolmon, Anujin Batbold, Seesregdorj Surenjid. Dehydrocostus lactone inhibits the expression of inducible Slfn-4 in LPS-activated microglia. CAJMS. 2021;1:3-7.
- Batnairamdal Chuluun, Alexandrina Vodenitcharova, Todor Kundurzhiev, Todor Krasimirov Dimitrov, Alexandra Trajkovska, Ariunsanaa Byambaa. The secret to longevity and sustainable environmental development. E3S Web Conf. https;// 10.10/e3scontfi202128408024. IF-0.76.
- Jargalsaikhan Gombodorj, Enkhjargal Bayarsaikhan, Chimedragchaa Chimedtseren, Uuganbayar Baatartsogt, Baigali Gansukh, Seesregdorj Surenjid. An analysis of Khurtsiin deed-6 compound’s effect on IL-1β expression in nitroglycerin induced migraine and alcohol exposed neurodegeneration model in rat. BPJ. 2022;153:1687-1693.
- Mina A Jacob, Merel S Ekker, Batnairamdal Ch, et al. Global difference in risk factors, etiology, and outcome of ischemic stroke in young adults-A worldwide meta-analysis: The GOAL Initiative. Neurology. 2022;98:e573-e588. IF-9.
- Tserentsoo Byambaa, Uranbileg Bold, Narankhuu Ragchaasuren, Odontuya Gendaram, Khaliun Bud, Batjargal Altanbagana, Enkhmaa Dagvadorj, Munkhtuya Tumurkhuu, Tserendagva Dalkh, Tsend-Ayush Damba. In vitro study results of the Ranunculus Repens L.'s effect on some cancer cells. Int Medical J. 2022;29:8709-8724. IF-0.02.
- Yinlong, Wen-Shan Bao, Jinhua, Qingyu, Batudeligen, Tuvshinjargal Ts, Molor-Erdene P, Wenfeng. Proteomics-based screening of differentially expressed protein in bronchial asthma (syndrome of excessive cold). Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2022;47:6227-6234. IF 0.9.
- Arongqiqige, Gerelmaa Enebish, Wang Song, Wei Cheng Xi, Anuujin Gantumur, Oyunbaatar Altanbayar, Hitofumi Shimomura, Battogtokh Chimeddorj, Batnairamdal Chuluun, Avarzed Amgalanbaatar. The Chronic and Acute Toxicity of Traditional Medicines Containing Terminalia chebula. J Pharmacopuncture. 2023;26:18-26. IF 1.6.
- Jargalsaikhan G, Enkhjargal B, Chimedragchaa Ch, Uuganbayar B, Lhagva-Ochir T, Anu A, Lagshmaa B, Seesregdorj S. The study of the Mongolian Traditional Medicine Khurtsiin Deed-6 analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting glial cell activation in nitroglycerin-induced migraine in rats. Phytomed Plus. 2023;3:100388.
- Du Leng, Molor-Erdene Perenlei, Tegexibaiyin Wang, Ruga Su, Saren Bao, Xiele Mo, Xigesaiyin Ge, Lei Lei Zhang, Hong Xue Tian, Xiang Gao, Suna Cha, Runtulaguer Xi, Yan Zhao, Chimedragchaa Chimedsuren, Na Ren. The therapeutic effects and proteomic changes associated with the use of traditional Mongolian medicinehorn cupping therapy to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Nurs Res. 2023 /accepted/
- 2007-2009 Outstanding Colleagues Award of School of Medicine
- 2012 Outstanding Department Award of the School of Traditional Medicine
- 2015 Outstanding Department Award of the School of Medicine
- 2015 Outstanding Department Award of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
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